"el mundo está oscuro, ilumina tu parte::the world is dark, light up your part"-graffiti along a stone wall in Spain

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesday 8/21 & Wednesday 8/22

Spanish I
A.I.: You spent some time translating sentences English to Spanish.
We reviewed vocabulary.
New Vocabulary:
-tiene hipo: s/he has the hiccups
-está desesperado: s/he is desperate
-se pone patas arriba: s/he stands on their head
We read the story & completed the activity on p. 97 of your textbook
Tarea: You have the Mini-Cuento 4 Vocab Quiz tomorrow

8th Grade
A.I.: You spent some time translating sentences English to Spanish.
We reviewed vocabulary.
New Vocabualry:
-puede oír: s/he can hear
-no puede dormir: s/he can't sleep
-sirve: it works
We made up a story as a class.
No Tarea

7th Grade
A.I.: You spent some time translating sentences English to Spanish.
We reviewed vocabulary.
New Vocabulary:
-la oveja corre: the sheep runs
-el pastor: the shepherd
-cuida: s/he takes care of

6th Grade
A.I.: You spent some time translating sentences English to Spanish.
We reviewed vocabulary.
We read Episodio 9 (the big story on p. 28 of the Cuentos section in your binder.
You began writing your own version of Episodio 9 in the Escritos section of your binder.
No tarea
Episodio 9 Exam coming up on 9/4 (red day) or 9/5 (blue day).

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

6th Grade

Here's an update on what we're learning & studying in 6th grade Spanish...

-la competencia de belleza: the beauty contest
-el juez: the judge
-qué talento: what talent
-gana: s/he wins
-el premio: the prize
-luce: s/he/it shines

Other important things to note:
-We've read Version 1 on pgs. 25 & 26 in your "Cuentos" section of your Spanish binder

No tarea

-Sra. Epple

7th Grade

Here's an update on what we've been studying & learning in 7th grade Spanish...

-la familia: the family
-está triste: s/he is sad
-el papá está enojado: the dad is angry/mad
-come: s/he eats
-llora: s/he cries
-el lobo: the wolf

Other important things to note:
-We read the story on p. 1 of the textbook
-We completed the activity on p. 1 of the texbook

You'll have a vocabulary quiz over Mini-Cuento 1 words on Wed/Thurs.

-Sra. Epple

8th Grade

Here's an update on what we've been studying & learning in 8th grade Spanish...

-no puede comer: s/he can't eat
-cabe: it fits
-parte en pedazos: it breaks into pieces
-la rana: the frog
-la solución: the solution
-trata de comer: s/he tries to eat

Other important things to note:
-We've completed p. 94 in the textbook (read story)

Tarea (homework): compete the activity on p. 94 of the textbook

You'll have a vocabulary quiz on Wed/Thurs. over Mini-Cuento 1 words.

-Sra. Epple

Spanish I Update

My apologies for not updating more often; I'm still getting into the routine.

Here's an update on what we've been studying & learning in Spanish I...

Mini-Cuento 1-
-no puede comer: s/he can't eat
-cabe: it fits
-no puede dormir: s/he can't sleep
-la rana: the frog
-la solución: the solution
-trata de comer: s/he tries to eat

Mini-Cuento 2-
-puede oír: s/he can hear
-no puede dormir: s/he can't sleep
-sirve: it works
-qué molestia: what a bother
-no deja de hablar: s/he doesn't stop talking
-está agotada/o: s/he is fed up with

Mini-Cuento 3-
-dámelo: give me it
-contiene la respiración: s/he holds their breath
-se niega a dárselo: s/he refuses to give it to him/her

Today we learned:
Mini-Cuento 3 (continued)
-exige: s/he demands
-hasta que se desmaya: until s/he faints
-se cae para atrás: s/he falls backward

Other important things to note:
-We are 3/4 of the way through Ch. 5
-Today I did a Binder Check
-We've completed pgs. 94 & 95 from your textbook

You have a vocabulary quiz over Mini-Cuento 3 words tomorrow.

-Sra. Epple

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Español I

Tuesday, 8/7

Today in class we:
-took a vocabulary quiz over Mini-Cuento 1 words
-wrote a creative version of Mini-Cuento 1 using pictures as a guide
-listened to a few volunteers read their story
-started reading Piratas, a Spanish novel

No tarea

Español I

Friday, 8/3 & Monday, 8/6

New Vocabulary:
-no puede comer: can't eat
-no cabe: doesn't fit
-parte en pedazos: breaks into pieces
-la rana: the frog
-la soluci&o;n: the solution
-trata de comer: tries to eat

On Friday in class, we:
-practiced using the new vocabulary
-read Version 1 on p. 33 (mini-lecturas book) as a class

-Tarea: read Version 2 on pgs. 33-34

On Monday in class, we:
-took a T/F quiz over Version 2 on pgs. 33-34 (mini-lecturas book)
-practiced using the new vocabulary
-read Mini-Cuento 1 on p. 94 of your textbook
-completed the activity on p. 94 of your textbook

-Tarea: vocabulary quiz (Mini-Cuento 1 words)