"el mundo está oscuro, ilumina tu parte::the world is dark, light up your part"-graffiti along a stone wall in Spain

Thursday, September 30, 2010

6th jueves::6th thursday


Today we...

Reviewed all vocabulary structures from Episodio #1 and #2.
Completed Exercises 11-13 in your textbooks
Played matamosca

Thank you for all your hard work this quarter! It paid off!

Hasta luego,
Señora Epple

7/8 jueves::7/8 thursday

It's FALL BREAAAAAAAK! Enjoy your time off :)

Today, we...

Reviewed all Ch.1 vocabulary structures
Read a chapter in El Nuevo Houdini
Played "basurabol"

Your homework is to ENJOY your break.

Thank you for your hard work this past quarter!

Hasta luego,
Señora Epple

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

6th::martes, miércoles, y jueves::6th tuesday, wednesday, and thursday

This week is a bit goofy, since you have a field trip on Wednesday (today). If you have Spanish on blue days, you only had one class this week, read what we did on Monday (it's posted in the previous 6th grade post). If you have me on red days, you had two classes this week, read this schedule for Tuesday & Thursday:

O.A.: STUDY for the Episodio #2 Vocab Test. Take the test.

I displayed Episodio #2 on the board, and some of you read your versions of the story to the class. (These were GREAT nice job!)

Then we completed exercises 8-10 on pgs. 6 & 7 of your textbooks.

The quarter ENDS tomorrow (Thursday). If you have missing work, it will become a permanent zero unless you place it in my late tray by 4:15 Thursday. Don't let zeros pull your grade down!
Ciao ciao,
Señora Epple

7/8 martes y miércoles:7/8 tuesday and wednesday

O.A.: STUDY for Vocab Test #4. While you are studying, I'll do a binder check, and check for your 22 vocabulary flashcards.

You wrote your own version of mini-cuento 4 with the illustrations (displayed on the board). I'll grade this next time I do a binder check.

The quarter ends this Thursday. Any missing work will become permanent zeros if it's not in the late tray by 4:15 tomorrow. Get caught up!

Hasta luego,
Señora Epple :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

8-1 martes::Class 8-1 ONLY, Tuesday

I apologize, I completely forgot that we didn't have class last Friday due to Pictures running late. Here is what we did today:

No O.A.

New vocabulary:
escucha: s/he listens
al día siguiente: the next (following) day

We worked in our textbooks- read mini-cuento 4 and completed the activity that went with it.

Your homework is to make 22 vocabulary flashcards. DON'T MAKE FLASHCARDS FOR OUT-OF-BOUNDS WORDS, just our 22 vocabulary structures.

Hasta jueves::See you Thursday :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

6::viernes y lunes::friday and monday


Here is what we did on Friday (red day) and what we're doing today (blue day):

O.A.: Create 5 sentences. They must be in Spanish, and you must use your vocabulary.

We are finished with Episodio #2 vocabulary :) Today, we are reading Episodio #2 together, and looking at the pictures that go with Episodio #2. After you tell me the story with the pictures, you will write your own version of the story.

Your homework is the STUDY Episodio #2 vocabulary; you will be taking a Vocab Test soon.

Señora Epple

7/8 viernes y lunes::7/8 friday and monday

Buenosdías::Good Morning

Here is what we did on Friday (red day) and what we're doing today (blue day):

O.A.: Translate these sentences.
1. Sr. Clark cuenta un chiste cómico y la clase se ríe.
2. Sra. Venekamp se ríe cuando está feliz.
3. Los estudiantes le dicen, "noooo" cuando Sra. Epple cuenta un chiste.
4. En la clase de francés, los niños le dicen, "Bonjour."

We finished up Ch.1 vocabulary with our LAST two words:
escucha: s/he listens
al día siguiente: the next/following day

We read the story on pg. 5 of your textbook and completed the exercise that went with it.

Your homework is to make 22 vocabulary flashcards (spanish on one side, english on the other). A look into the near future- we're finished with Ch.1 vocabulary :) Next class, you'll take your last Vocabulary Test for Ch.1. After fall break, we'll start the review activities in your textbook, and then take the Ch.1 Test shortly after.

Anouncement! Quarter 1 is almost over. Every assignment you are missing will be a ZERO after this Thursday, September 30th. Please come see me for you missing work!!!!!

Señora Epple

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

6::miercoles y jueves::wednesday and thursday

Hola estudiantes,
O.A.: Translate the following sentences from Spanish to English.
1. Cuando Sra. Epple prende el radio, Sr. Epple le grita, "qué ruido!"
2. La gatita come el radio.
3. La criada duerme mucho. Qué problema!
4. Cuando un estudiante llega tarde a clase, Sr. McFadden no está contento.

We learned 3 new vocabulary structures today:
se duerme: s/he falls asleep
otra vez: again
la aspiradora: the vacuum cleaner

Then we read the story that goes with today's vocabulary. Your homework is to finish reading if we didn't finish in class, and to STUDY your vocabulary words.

Señora Epple ;)

7/8::miercoles & jueves::7/8 wednesday & thursday

Buenas :)

Your O.A. was to study for Vocabulary Test #3. You took the test, and then we learned 3 new vocabulary structures:
se ríe: s/he laughs
cuenta un chiste: s/he tells a joke
le dice: s/he says or tells

We then read the story that went with today's vocabulary.

Your homework is to STUDY your vocabulary words. The Ch.1 test is coming soon!

Hasta pronto,
Señora Epple

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Hello to all my readers... I thought it may be helpful to you to have on hand a list of ALL vocabulary structures we have learned so far. Below you'll find lists for both 6th grade and 7th/8th grade. Print off a copy and keep it in your binder. It's a great study guide :)

6th GRADE:
el lunes: monday                                          el despertador: the alarm clock
la gatita: the kitten                                       suena: it rings
se llama: s/he is named                               come: s/he eats
duerme: s/he sleeps                                    qué problema: what a problem
está contento/a: s/he is happy                  el martes: tuesday
llega: s/he arrives                                        la criada: the maid
prende: turns on                                          el radio: the radio
qué ruido: how noisy

7th & 8th GRADE:
el papá está enojado: the dad is angry or mad                       la montaña: the mountain
la familia: the family                                                                   vive: s/he lives
el lobo: the wolf                                                                           está feliz: s/he is happy
come: s/he eats                                                                           viene: s/he comes
llora: s/he cries                                                                           está aburrido/a: s/he is bored
est&aacute triste: s/he is sad                                           otra vez: again
cuida: s/he takes care of                                                            el pastor: the shepherd
la oveja corre: the sheep runs                                                   grita: s/he yells or shouts
está furioso/a: s/he is furious                                          cuenta un chiste: s/he tells a joke
le dice: s/he tells or says                                                           se ríe: s/he laughs
al día siguiente: the next day                                                    escucha: s/he listens

Remember, whenever you don't have an assignment for homework, your homework is to STUDY these words!

Señora Epple :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

lunes y martes::6th grade::monday and tuesday

Today's schedule:

O.A.: Re-read version uno of the last story I gave you.
You paired up and with your partner, filled in the blanks for the story I projected on the board. (the same story you re-read for your opening activity).

We learned 3 new vocabulary structures today:
el radio- the radio
qué ruido- how noisy
prende- turns on

Lastly, we started to read the story that went with today's vocabulary words. What we didn't finish is homework.

Hasta luego :)

lunes y martes::7th & 8th::monday and tuesday

Today's schedule:

O.A. Read Version 1 on the bottom of the last story I passed out (pg.5). Answer the following questions-
1. Cómo se llama el muchacho que organiza la fiesta?
2. Por qué está aburrido Bernardo?
3. Quién es la muchacha que viene a la fiesta?
4. Cuántas horas bailan Bernardo y J-Lo?
5. Por qué se va a su casa J-Lo?

We also read El Nuevo Houdini. We finished Ch.1 and 2. (8-3, we started Ch.3)

Lastly, you wrote a story based on 4 pictures. This went in the WRITING section of your binder. I will check it for a grade next binder check. (7-3, we didn't get this far, we'll complete the story next class).

Ciao ciao.

Friday, September 17, 2010

6th grade::jueves y viernes::thursday and friday

O.A.: Complete Exercise #7 on pg.5 of your textbook. Together, we completed Exercise #6.

We are completely DONE with Episodio #1. Congratulations! We started vocabulary for Episodio #2. Your 3 new vocabulary structures are: el martes- Tuesday, llega- s/he arrives, la criada- the maid

You received your first story for Episodio #2 and we read it together in class. Please have it re-read and understood before our next Spanish class. Gracias!

Señora Epple :)

7th & 8th jueves y viernes::thursday and friday

O.A.: Re-read the last story that I passed out in class (the one with la montaña, vive, está feliz at the top, version 1). We're taking a T/F quiz.

Took quiz over story.

Learned new vocabulary: viene- s/he comes, está aburrido/a- s/he is bored

We read the story on p.4 of your textbook, and then answered the questions that went with it.

You have no homework.

Hasta pronto :)
Señora Epple

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

6th, 7th, & 8th miércoles::wednesday

Today was a BLUE day and we made up the work we originally would have done on Monday (I was sick on Monday). Here's what we did today:

6th GRADE:
No O.A.
You received your Spanish books! Yeah! You wrote your name in them and I recorded the number. Remember, these are your books, so take good care of them. :)
We jumped right into the books and completed Exercises 1-5. If you were absent today, you need to come see me either from 8:00-8:15 or 3:35-4:15 to complete these exercises. They will be graded!
Your homework is to look over your vocabulary structures.

7th & 8th GRADE:
No O.A.
We learned 3 new vocabulary structures: está feliz: s/he is happy, la montaña: the mountain, vive: s/he lives
We made up a class story and read version 1 of the mini-lectura.
If you were absent, you need a copy of the mini-lectura.
You will have a T/F quiz over version 1 of this story. Be ready! Re-read the story on your own!
Your homework is to study for the quiz.

Señora Epple ;)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

6th, 7th, & 8th martes::tuesday

Hola estudiantes,
Here's the schedule for today only-

O.A.: Translate these sentences from Spanish to English. You do NOT need to copy the Spanish sentence.
1. La gatita se llama Mittens.
2. El lunes, los estudiantes están en escuela.
3. En la familia la mama se llama Maria y el niño se llama Pablo.
4. El papá duerme mucho!
5. La familia no está contenta.
6. Cuando el despertador suena, la chica no duerme.
7. La gatita se llama Boots come un sándwich.
8. La gatita no está contenta.

Then we played "piccionario pareja", which is pair pictionary. You have no homework.

O.A.: Translate these sentences from Spanish to English. You do NOT need to copy the Spanish sentence.
1. La familia está feliz.
2. Cuando la mamá está enojada, el papá llora.
3. El pastor no cuida las ovejas.
4. El lobo corre cuando la chica grita.
5. La familia vive en las montañas.
6. El bebé está muy triste y llora mucho.
7. En clase, un estudiante come una hamburguesa con tomate.

Then we played "piccionario pareja", which is pair pictionary. After this, we did a listening activity/correction activity on the board. You have no homework.

Hasta luego niños
Señora Epple

Sick Day

Hola todos::Hi everyone

 I was sick Monday, September 13, 2010. You had a substitute. If you were absent you do not have any make up work. If you were here, this is what you did in class:

Translated sentences from Spanish to English
Wrote a story in Spanish with a partner and turned it in to your homework drawer
Played "matamosca" with our vocabulary

 Hasta luego :)
Señora Epple

Friday, September 10, 2010

6th grade::viernes y lunes::friday and monday

Feliz viernes! Happy Friday!

Today your textbooks came. HOORAYYYY :) I passed them out, and recorded your numbers. Remember, these books are yours so take good care of them. We jumped right in and completed Exercises 1-5 over Episodio 1. You're doing a great job! We played "matamosca" with our extra time.

No homework.

Hasta pronto::See you soon
Señora Epple

7th and 8th grade::viernes y lunes::friday and monday

El fin de semana! The weekend!

Today we picked back up in our text and learned three new vocabulary structures:
la montaña: the mountain
vive: s/he lives
esta feliz: s/he is happy
We made up a class story, and then read through version 1 of the mini-lectura. If you were absent, come see me for a copy of the mini-lectura.
You will have a T/F quiz over version 1 of the mini-lectura next Spanish class. Read it again... and again :)

Ciao ciao.
Señora Epple

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

6th grade::miercoles y jueves::wednesday and thursday

Hola estudiantes,
Today you had a binder check. Then you completed a review worksheet individually. When everyone was finished, you swapped with someone and compared your answers, corrected those that were wrong, and then turned it in for a grade.

Next, I separated you into groups. In your group, each student took a turn reading Episodio #1 aloud. The purpose of this exercise was to practice your Spanish pronunciation. In this same group, you took a quiz over Episodio #1 and turned it in for a grade. Class 6-3 we completed this quiz together on the white board.

We played a game with our extra time. You have no homework.

Ciao, hasta luego!
Senora Epple :)

7th and 8th::miercoles y jueves::wednesday and thursday

Hola clases,
Your O.A. today was a binder check. If you came to class unprepared (without your binder), you received an M.I.R. If you were absent, you need to show me your binder after school, or during the next class.

With a partner, you raced to complete a review worksheet. The first "team" to finish with the least amount of mistakes earned 3 extra credit points. Woot! :) Three points makes a BIG difference! Congratulations to the pair who earned them.

We then started reading our novel El Nuevo Houdini. I read aloud to you today. We'll continue reading soon. I'm excited for us to begin reading novels in Spanish!

You have no homework. Hasta luego!
Senora Epple(t)  ;)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

6th grade::jueves y martes::thursday and tuesday

Today you:

Took your 1st Vocabulary Test. Then we reviewed all vocabulary and used it to tell a short story based on pictures from your text. After I told the story, you told the story as a class. Lastly, you wrote the story individually in the Writing section of your Spanish binder.

There is no homework.

Senora Epple :)

7th & 8th grade::jueves y martes::thursday and tuesday

Today you:

Took your 2nd Vocabulary Test. (O.A. was to review your words). Then we reviewed vocabulary by telling stories in Spanish using the pictures and vocabulary from Ch.1 of your text. Your in-class work was to write two mini-stories (in Spanish) based on the pictures I showed you in class. This went in the writing section of your binder.

I will see you Tuesday (BLUE DAY)/Wednesday (RED DAY). Remember, NO SCHOOL Monday :)

You have no homework.